Every citizen of Hungary has the fundamental right to physical and mental health (Fundamental Law of Hungary, Freedom and responsibility, Article 20). This, however, is dependent upon the efficiency and proper operation of the healthcare system, in which the commitment of healthcare experts, the sustainability of the institutions, the adherence of patients and the calculable regulatory environment and - last but not least - the modern technologies that make the highest quality healthcare supply possible due to their continuous development is of key importance.

Luckily, the most modern tools and technology innovations are available in Hungary: many companies offer technology and medical device support of a world standard to the Hungarian healthcare system. The Association of Health Technology Suppliers and Medical Device Manufacturers (ETOSZ) is the interest representative organization of these companies, i.e. the participants of the Hungarian health technology suppliers' and medical device manufacturers' sector.

The member companies of ETOSZ have common purposes and they are committed to their execution. Even with the choice of their association's name, they worded a strong message about their efforts taken for the sake of Hungarian patients in transparent market and regulatory environment


Members of ETOSZ are remarkable and prestigious Hungarian and international companies, healthcare suppliers. These companies are committed to innovative health technology and medical solutions and cover the dominant part of the turnover of Hungarian innovative medical technologies, but the members are interested in more than half of the cumulated turnover of medical devices.

Members of ETOSZ are proudly committed to the purposes of the Association:


ETOSZ is made up of the Hungarian companies that are committed to innovative technologies: as a result of their continuous development, they provide healthcare services with more and more perfect, reliable and safe technologies and tools promoting even more effective recovery.

Innovative technologies and procedures are different from the previously used devices and tools mainly because of the continuous attention, professional analysis and evaluation of the experience, the world-standard research and development activities that directly and indirectly lead to patients receiving values: faster and safer recovery even in previously unimaginable cases, becoming the sterling member of society faster than ever.


The decade-old problems and structural incompleteness of healthcare – in spite of some exemplary initiatives – resulted in such a Hungarian healthcare system in which participants reluctantly consider each other’s concepts, their understandable and acceptable aspects. But the delicate balance of a compound and sensitive system like the interdependent healthcare system – from policy decision makers, through healthcare providers and healthcare professionals, to the rest of the members of the comprehensive healthcare industry market – must not be broken in any direction.

ETOSZ aims to domesticate the progressive approach that the effective and sustainable operation of health industry is as essential as the management of the wage tensions, the continuous development of quality of treatment or the stabilization of the system of proprietors of healthcare providers.

Health industry – beyond contributing to the tax incomes, national labor capacity and optimization of social expenses of the country as a strategic sector of national economy – directly takes a significant part in maintaining the operability of the sector. This irreplaceable role can be kept only if the delicate balance of the sector is maintained and healthcare industry can operate in a sustainable authority and regulatory environment.


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