Every citizen of Hungary has the fundamental right to physical and mental health (Fundamental Law of Hungary, Freedom and responsibility, Article 20). This, however, is dependent upon the efficiency and proper operation of the healthcare system, in which the commitment of healthcare experts, the sustainability of the institutions, the adherence of patients and the calculable regulatory environment and - last but not least - the modern technologies that make the highest quality healthcare supply possible due to their continuous development is of key importance.
Luckily, the most modern tools and technology innovations are available in Hungary: many companies offer technology and medical device support of a world standard to the Hungarian healthcare system. The Association of Health Technology Suppliers and Medical Device Manufacturers (ETOSZ) is the interest representative organization of these companies, i.e. the participants of the Hungarian health technology suppliers' and medical device manufacturers' sector.
The member companies of ETOSZ have common purposes and they are committed to their execution. Even with the choice of their association's name, they worded a strong message about their efforts taken for the sake of Hungarian patients in transparent market and regulatory environment
The Association of Health Technology Suppliers and Medical Device Manufacturers (Hungarian acronym is ETOSZ) is the organization for the interest representation of Hungarian health technology and medical device manufacturing sector. The purpose of ETOSZ and its member companies – as the participants of the compound and interdependent health sector – is to reach the highest health benefit and to improve the health status of the Hungarian society by providing high level services for those enlisting the health services. ETOSZ supports these purposes by providing health technology and medical devices at a socially useful and sustainable level for both financers and suppliers.
The main decision making body is the General Assembly that is made up of all the members of the association. The General Assembly has the decisive right in all questions related to the Association, each member has one vote.
The Board is the operative, executive body managing the Association. The Board has the decisive right in all questions that are not related to the General Assembly by the Statutes: defines and monitors the operation of the operative body of the Association, decides upon the admission of regular and supportive members, monitors the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly, and decides upon the significant professional, organizational and financial issues not related to the General Assembly.
The President represents ETOSZ comprehensively in all issues. The President – among other tasks – organizes and manages the operative body and administration of the Association, monitors the implementation of the decisions of the Board, represents the Association at third parties and functions as defined in the Statutes.
The forums of the professional work of ETOSZ are the sections made up by the concerned members. Members are free to join any section. Currently, there are three active sections in the Association:
- organ replacement treatments section
- surgery section
- diagnostic and health IT section
- personal medical devices section
The Managing Director manages the operative performance of ETOSZ, responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the managing boards and executives. The Managing Director works according to the regulations, the Statutes, the decisions of the General Assembly and the Board, and directives of the President, for the sake of the interest representative activity of ETOSZ.
- András Csató, president, director of Finance and Goverment Affairs of B. Braun Group in Hungary
- János Gyarmati, vice-president, regional perinatal lead of GE Healthcare Hungary
- László Makk, vice-president, director of Goverment Affairs of Johnson & Johnson Hungary
- Attila Berkes, member of the Board, managing director of Nemzeti Dialízis Központ Kft.
- Rita Vincze, managing director of Siemens Healthcare Kft.
- Tamás Köhler, chair of organ replacement treatments section, managing director of Diaverum Hungary Kft.
- Rita Vincze, chair of diagnostics and health IT section, managing director of Siemens Healthcare Kft.
- Dr. Tamás Rádai
- Dr. Gyula Markovics (Essity Hungary)
- Petrovszki István (OrthoVision)
- Andrea Simon (Becton Dickinson Hungary)
- Dr. György Velkey (president of the Hungarian Hospital Association)
- Csilla Balassa (Johnson & Johnson Hungary)
- Noémi Sziráki-Nagy (GE Healthcare Hungary)
The main purpose of ETOSZ is to provide modern and innovative technologies for the treatment of Hungarian patients supported by the below activities:
Support of the widespread availability and admission of innovative therapies, procedures and technologies
We wish that Hungarian patients can receive more of the modern diagnostic and therapeutic treatments many of which are available in the neighboring countries. If the technology facility of the Hungarian institutions falls behind that of the Visegrád Group (more information: http://www.visegradgroup.eu), Hungarian patients may be impaired and it would be more and more difficult to close up to the European treatment level.
Stabilization of health care financing
Without the sustainability of the whole healthcare supply system, not only the development of treatments, but the maintenance of the current level is also endangered. In today’s financial environment all legal and operative resources that can be connected to the health care supply system is needed, and we wish to initiate solutions and submit our professional experience to the health and financial decision makers, so that these resources get available for the Hungarian health suppliers as soon as possible.
Shaping the ethical business and regulatory environment
The obvious vision of ETOSZ members is to shape a transparent and ethical business environment – where competition is about the quality and the standards of services. We would like to make the fulfillment of bilateral commitments, transparent expectations and the proper utilization of authority tools and methods to become basic values at the market.
Development of general opinion– domestication of the single approach of health industry
All healthcare systems that operate well and effectively have one thing in common: the individual participants of the compound system are managed as an integrated unified whole. We would like this approach – favorable from the aspect of patients’ health benefit, and from the aspect technological and financial sustainability as well – to help members of the Hungarian health sector cooperate effectively, with financially considering each other, for the sake of the best possible treatment of patients and even higher health awareness.
“The Association of Health Technology Suppliers and Medical Device Manufacturers is a professional interest representative organization, operating according to the Act CLXXV of 2011, about the right to unionize, public utility legal status and operation and support of non-governmental organization.”
As responsible stakeholders of the Hungarian health technology sector member companies of Association of Health Technology Suppliers and Medical Device Manufacturers are committed to the transparent and ethical business environment. Aware of their responsibility and strengthening the highest level of business ethics, member companies have passed and confirmed binding for themselves the following, self-limiting regulation.
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